Harriette Cole: I can see myself skipping class a lot this winter

Harriette Cole: I can see myself skipping class a lot this winter

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am about to register for classes for next semester. A week ago, I began my search for ones that interested me and saved multiple schedules that worked for me. However, I checked again today, and most of the classes are at full capacity.

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I intentionally saved classes with many available seats, but since my registration date is so late, I did not get most of them.

Now I am stuck between filling the blanks in my schedule with classes I have to take for my major that either do not interest me or are super-early or late or with classes that I know I would enjoy and would contribute to my education as electives.

I am a sophomore, so I have time to take all the classes I need, but I feel like I will lose my motivation to go to class when it is so cold outside and the subject matter bores me.

What do you suggest I choose?

— Class

DEAR CLASS: Split the difference if you can, and sign up for at least one elective that interests you and one required class at a manageable hour that you will commit to attending.

If you must choose a class that is extremely inconvenient, go for the time of day when you are most likely to be motivated to get yourself there.

Also, you may need to question why the classes in your major do not interest you.

Reality check: Life will be like this a lot. No matter how hard we work, we often do not get exactly what we want when we want it.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I find myself in a difficult situation. I am currently enrolled in medical school, and although it has been a dream of mine for a long time, I’m beginning to feel overwhelmed and unsure if this is the right path for me.

The intense workload and pressure are taking a toll on my mental and physical well-being. I’m considering the possibility of quitting, but I’m torn between pursuing my passion for medicine and acknowledging the toll it’s taking on my overall health.

How can I make my decision without feeling like I’m letting myself down or abandoning a dream I’ve worked so hard for?

I want to make a thoughtful and informed choice about my future, but the fear of disappointment and societal expectations are making this decision even more challenging.

— About To Give Up

DEAR ABOUT TO GIVE UP: Seek out perspective on your situation from others who have had the experience.

Find a TA, hospital resident, student about to finish med school or a trusted professor to talk to about your experience. Ask for advice on how they managed through the tough times.

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As hard as it seems to be, what you are describing sounds pretty common. If you can figure out a way to take care of yourself through med school and your residency, it can be worth it.

Request strategies that others have used to work through the challenging periods. Do your best to eat healthy food, exercise and carve out as much time for rest as you can. Try not to give up yet.

Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to [email protected] or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.