Letters: Fighting homelessness | Mideast war

Letters: Fighting homelessness | Mideast war

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We must bring all to
bear on homelessness

Behind the beautiful dome of San Jose City Hall is the short walking strip on Fifth Street featuring Recovery Café & the Urban Sanctuary. This has been my walk twice a week from the San Jose State University campus to Starbucks located on Fifth Street.

Walking through this strip, I’ve come to realize the severity of homelessness and drug use. There is no doubt that San Jose is facing a huge epidemic that needs to be addressed. We need more programs that will help these individuals as it’s clear they are facing mental illness, medical impairment and substance abuse.

California’s economy has become the fifth-largest in the world, yet we have more than 170,000 of our people unhoused. It is our responsibility as an entire city to not just bring temporary homes, but to provide things such as rehabilitation, employment and housing navigation for them. After all, these individuals’ human rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated.

Karen Alvarez
San Jose

Biden administration
bent on Mideast war

Re: “Pressure rising on U.S. after veto of cease-fire bill” (Page A4, Dec. 10).

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The French ambassador to the U.N. has it right: “There is no contradiction between the fight against terrorism and the protection of civilians.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration bypasses congressional reviews to ship Israel an additional 13,000 rounds of tank ammunition by using “an emergency declaration.” The only emergency here is the pace of the atrocities committed toward the Palestinian civilians in Gaza by Israeli weaponry supplied and stocked by American ammunition. The United States casts the sole vote in the U.N. Security Council against a permanent cease-fire in Gaza as the Biden administration continues to demonstrate its callous disregard for human lives and suffering.

We Americans will have to live with this indelible moral stain placed on us by our government for generations. I am ashamed to be a citizen of the United States.

Kursad Kiziloglu
Santa Clara