Letters: Historic neighborhoods | Customer service | Trump years | Misdeeds piling up | No money | War-first stance

Letters: Historic neighborhoods | Customer service | Trump years | Misdeeds piling up | No money | War-first stance

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Historic neighborhoods
are worth preserving

Re: “Don’t ruin historic neighborhoods to solve California’s housing crisis” (Page A6, Dec. 21).

Saving historic neighborhoods is essential to keep us from being just another generic city that could be “Anywhere” USA. We’ve already lost treasures like the old City Hall that used to be where Cesar Chavez Park is now, as well as old downtown Santa Clara and too many others to mention.

Yes, we need housing, but there has to be a way to do it without sacrificing our history and charming surroundings. Converting already existing office buildings is a great way to start, as well as ADUs — and making them affordable would be nice.

Diane McQuillen
San Jose

Target can take lesson
from Trader Joe’s

As I ventured out on a rainy Wednesday to do a bit of last-minute holiday shopping I experienced two diametrically opposed customer service business models at my local Trader Joe’s and Target stores.

At a crowded Trader Joe’s I had my choice of multiple check-out aisles, all staffed by both cashiers and baggers, and I was in and out in a matter of minutes. I followed this delightful experience with what I planned to be a brief stop at Target. As I approached the countless checkout aisles, with my 6 items, I found literally two opened, with very long lines of last-minute holiday shoppers. The “under 10 items” line was open, also with a very long line, and, of course, the ubiquitous “self-check-out” stations were open, also with a very long line.

I returned my items and left. Target should be ashamed.

Barry Goldman-Hall
San Jose

Don’t forget Trump
years’ disasters

Voters need to be reminded that the Donald Trump years were a disaster.

The job rate was worse during Trump’s tenure as were economic growth, uninsured rates and the budget deficit, not to mention the increase in the murder rate and the U.S. embarrassment on the international and domestic stages where his mental stability was in question. And tragically, his slow, incoherent response to COVID cost more than 100,000 lives.

It’s amazing that these facts escape his supporters who merely listen to his bombastic rhetoric and ignore relevant truths about his presidency.

We cannot afford or survive another four years of Trump.

Claudia Parker
San Jose

Trump’s misdeeds
are piling up

Re: “Trump defends Republicans charged in election scheme” (Page A3, Dec. 19).

Donald Trump came to Reno, Nevada, for a campaign rally and to defend the six fake electors indicted in connection with overturning the 2020 election loss. He stated that these six were victims of political persecution by Joe Biden. Actually, they were charged by the attorney general of Nevada.

Kenneth Cheeseboro, the lawyer who masterminded the Trump campaign’s fake electors scheme, testified in Clark County, which ultimately led to the indictment. The lawyer has already pleaded guilty and accepted a plea deal in the Fulton County, Georgia, case. All six have pleaded not guilty in their efforts to send phony electoral certificates to the National Archives.

Trump also faces charges on his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and he claims without any evidence that Democrats are stealing the election, yet he is being prosecuted by Biden. In the meantime, he is shamelessly parroting Hitler’s words about immigrants.

Mohan Raj
San Jose

In time of deficits,
no money for statues

Re: “Replacing park statue may cost up to $100,000” (Page A1, Dec. 20).

In a time of huge budget deficits, we can’t afford $100,000 to repair a stolen iron statue. The welding and art classes at San Jose community colleges could repair it for less and gain valuable work experience.

Randall Spangler
San Jose

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U.S. must abandon
war-first stance

Since the American Revolution in 1775, our grand strategy has led us to war with the British Empire in 1812, Native Americans in 1817, Mexico in 1846, with ourselves in 1861 (Civil War), and the Spanish in 1898. We took on imperial Germany in 1917 (World War I), Nazi Germany in 1941 (World War II), and imperial Japan in December 1941. We went to war with Korea in 1950-53, Vietnam from 1965-75, Iraq in 1990, and Afghanistan from 2001-22.

Neo-conservative ideology continues to make the world a progressively unsafe place. It’s not too late to reverse the Bush doctrine and seek world peace. Iran played a key role in helping us defeat the Taliban in 2001. Let’s get our facts straight. We need friends not more enemies.

Akeem Mostamandy
San Jose