Sacramento man arrested in accidental shooting of wife

Sacramento man arrested in accidental shooting of wife

A 50-year-old Sacramento man was arrested early Saturday and taken to Sacramento County Main Jail after the apparently accidental shooting of his wife, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said they responded to a “frantic 911 call” about 1:40 a.m. from a man who, according to a Sheriff’s Office media release, said that he accidentally shot his wife in the shoulder.

The woman was reported conscious and alert in the main bedroom and was taken to a hospital. There were no witnesses located in the house, the release stated.

Deputies on the scene took independent statements from the couple. The man was taken to jail on suspicion of negligent discharge of a firearm

According to sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Amar Gandhi, both individuals reported they heard a noise in the middle of the night. When the man went to investigate the noise, the report said, he got his gun and it accidentally discharged.

The couple remained adamant that the incident was a complete accident.

Crime scene investigators responded and gathered evidence. Deputies did not find signs of a struggle or other factors indicating that domestic violence was involved.

The man is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

— The Sacramento Bee