Dec. 22
PETTY THEFT: 2:43 p.m. at Raising Nine on North Santa Cruz Avenue. Someone stole a bottle of men’s cologne. The suspect did buy something using the “Tap” app.
GRAND THEFT: 6:19 p.m. on Andrews Street. A resident reported $1,500 missing from her account; more charges were stopped by her bank. She was also getting packages sent to her address that don’t belong to her.
Dec. 23
STOLEN VEHICLE: 8:16 p.m. at South Santa Cruz Avenue and Broadway. A woman was unable to locate her 2015 silver Mercedes C300 sedan.
Dec. 26
BURGLARY: 1:05 p.m. at Legacy Community Church on Lark Avenue. The church offering and a digital photo frame were taken from the front office.
Dec. 27
JUVENILE DISTURBANCE: 3:12 a.m. at Daves Avenue School on Daves Avenue. The caller heard kids on the roof of the school and saw one of them fall off.
BURGLARY: 7:42 a.m. at Los Gatos Union School District on Roberts Road. Someone forced entry into a warehouse adjacent to district offices via a window and stole several items.
VANDALISM: 5:17 p.m. at Lester Square on Los Gatos Boulevard. A woman said stickers were put on her car windows stating that she parked poorly, and the stickers were obstructing her vision while driving.
PETTY THEFT: 8:12 p.m. at Valero on Los Gatos-Saratoga Road. An ice cream machine was broken into, ice cream was taken and the machine was damaged beyond repair.
NOISE DISTURBANCE: 9:17 p.m. on Almendra Avenue. A caller reported continuous issues with neighbors being loud in their hot tub.