Letters: No compassion | Reagan’s ‘ideals’

Letters: No compassion | Reagan’s ‘ideals’

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Texas abortion ban
lacks compassion

Re: “Woman to leave Texas for abortion” (Page A1, Dec. 12).

I am so outraged about the recent Texas abortion case that I feel compelled to write.

During my long career as a neonatal nurse (now retired), I had the sad experience of taking care of a couple of trisomy 18 infants. Each survived only a few hours. This is a fatal anomaly, so what possible harm could there be in allowing an abortion in this case? And this doesn’t even include the woman’s maternal complications. Why do Texas politicians hate women so much and have so little compassion that they would not permit an abortion in such a case?

I am so glad I live in California where the right to abortion is now enshrined in the state Constitution. Only women and their medical providers need to be making decisions regarding abortions.

Peggy Moyers

Reagan’s ‘ideals’
grew U.S. debt

Re: “Voters say it’s time to revisit Reagan’s ideals” (Page A6, Dec. 14).

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After reading Marc Thiessen’s rose-colored opinion of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, I was struck by the fact that he did not tell the whole, or correct, history of the damage done to our country by Reagan.

He cut taxes for the rich, and so-called trickle-down never trickled down. All it did was create record deficits. I am middle class, and my taxes went way up. Reagan sold weapons to Iran, our mortal enemy, to fund the Contras in a war for which Congress had cut off funding. And Oliver North and others were convicted of crimes. Reagan should have been impeached over this, in my opinion.

He bankrupted the country with his military buildup. He gave amnesty to almost 3 million illegal migrants. He deregulated the savings and loan industry, which caused millions to lose their life savings. And his damage to the country continues to this day.

Rocky Fort
San Lorenzo