Letters: CPUC board | Global standing | Hold Trump accountable | Demonstrating belief | Trampling democracy

Letters: CPUC board | Global standing | Hold Trump accountable | Demonstrating belief | Trampling democracy

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Make the CPUC board
elected positions

Yes, we should be angry at the PG&E price hikes. On the other hand, we should also review the possibility of taking away the governor’s right to appoint the California Public Utilities Commission.

A constitutional amendment is a great way to start. As we’ve seen over the past two decades, the CPUC just waves their magic fairy wand and grants PG&E their wish. The CPUC positions should be voted on by the people and should follow the same path as the U.S. House of Representatives and be voted in or out of office every two years. This way we can weed out the corruption of the CPUC.

Furthermore, the current and past individuals who are or have been on the board should not be considered in this process. Their time has come and gone.

Michael McWalters

Trump threatens
U.S. global standing

If Donald Trump gets elected, he will renew his isolationist policy and the United States will lose its leadership position in the world.

Perhaps he should rebrand his MAGA motto to “Make Russia Great Again,” as it will be the most appropriate motto for his intended foreign policy.

Swathi Vanniarajan
San Jose

Hold Trump to account
and protect the vote

On Jan. 6, 2021, President Donald Trump and his allies tried to overturn a free and fair election and keep him in power by violence.

Over the last three years, right-wing politicians have continued to advance Trump’s aim with voter suppression bills, threatening election workers and officials, spreading false election conspiracy theories and trying to overturn election results. Trump is now under indictment and Jan. 6 rioters have been arrested and convicted.

Tell Congress: We must hold bad actors accountable and push for sweeping federal democracy reform to protect our freedom to vote. If the Democrats take back Congress and can bypass the filibuster, you will have the chance to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure that our voting rights are upheld. Please act as soon as you can and hold Trump and his allies accountable in every way possible.

Eric Meece
San Jose

Demonstrating belief
in nation’s potential

Re: “Biden rips Trump in campaign speech” (Page A1, Jan. 6).

On Friday, near Valley Forge, Penn., President Biden gave a speech in which he said, “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question we have to answer is, Who are we? That’s the question we have to answer: Who are we?”

I’ll answer only for myself: I believe in our country, our small-d democracy, and in everyone reading this, whether or not you agree with me. I believe that every single one of us deserves respect, and every one of us has the right to vote for the government that represents us. I believe that we make better decisions and policies in our country when more voices are part of the conversation. I believe that our country isn’t perfect and that our Constitution gives us a framework within which to keep making us a more perfect union, with liberty and justice for all.

That’s my answer. What’s yours?

Linda Henigin
Palo Alto

So far, Court has
trampled democracy

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It seems the Trump for President team thinks the Supreme Court is in their pocket. Lawyer Alina Habba said on Fox News, quoted on the MSNBC Johnathan Capeheart show Jan.6, that Donald Trump’s man-of-the-day, Brett Kavanaugh, can be expected to “do the right thing” and reject Colorado’s Supreme Court ruling removing Trump from the Colorado ballot.

What’s worse, as Maya Wiley said on the same program, Justice Thomas, whose wife participated with key insurrection players like chief of staff Mark Meadows, has already refused to recuse himself by helping the court to decide to hear the case. This is blatantly undemocratic and must be called out.

Robert Wahler
San Jose