Letters: Fiscally responsible | Public financing | Progressive choice | Prioritize climate

Letters: Fiscally responsible | Public financing | Progressive choice | Prioritize climate

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Vote for candidates
who will support Mahan

Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility (CFR) believes city government should focus on crime, cleaning streets, homelessness and holding government accountable for prudently spending our tax dollars. We agree with Mayor Mahan’s 2022 statement that “all residents should live in a city that is safe, clean and full of opportunity.” The mayor has worked diligently to fulfill campaign promises supporting that belief and deserves reelection.

As for this year’s crop of City Council candidates, CFR endorses the following as most likely to support Mayor Mahan’s goals of reducing crime, cleaning up our streets, supplying quick-build housing to move our unhoused residents off the streets as quickly as possible, and measuring and holding our government accountable: District 4: David Cohen; District 6: Michael Mulcahy; District 8: George Casey.

For similar reasons, we endorse Madison Nguyen for Santa Clara County Supervisor in District 2.

We urge you to support these candidates with your votes.

Pat Waite
President, Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility
San Jose

Support bill allowing
public campaign funds

Re: “Super PACs pour more than $16M into race” (Page A1, Feb. 27).

Super PACs have poured more than $16 million into the race for California’s U.S. Senate seat and candidates have raised more than $1 million, including almost $700,000 from outside groups, for the 26th District Assembly seat.

Court decisions, including the Citizens United ruling, have opened the floodgates to unlimited spending. It isn’t surprising that candidates hold fundraisers in wealthy communities and actively court the richest donors. The result: The concerns of the majority of citizens are often dismissed, creating cynicism and distrust of government.

One way to return power to regular people is a system of public financing of campaigns so candidates aren’t beholden to big money. However, California presently prohibits public financing in most cities and counties. SB 24 would remove that prohibition and give public entities the option to act. The public and this newspaper should support it.

Brian Carr
San Jose

Shoor is progressive
choice for District 6

Alex Shoor is a knowledgeable, progressive Democrat and my choice for San Jose City Council District 6.

As a mother, teacher and longtime union leader, I want a councilmember who deeply understands the biggest issues facing our community and has the experience and policy know-how to get things done.

Unlike other candidates, Alex’s policy views and platform are detailed, clear and accessible. He is clear in both his vision for our city and the steps he will take to get us there. I’ve seen too many families leave San Jose due to soaring housing costs. Alex has practical, detailed plans that will reduce costs for existing housing and support well-planned new development. I want a safe San Jose where my children and students will be able to grow up and one day have homes of their own.

Please join me in voting for Alex Shoor for District 6.

Sarah Ciccarello
San Jose

Bernstein will prioritize
climate in Congress

I’m writing in support of Joby Bernstein’s congressional bid in the 16th District.

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Climate change poses an existential threat, with California and the broader world at risk. Washington’s leaders often ignore this, distracted by politics or influenced by fossil fuel industries. Joby positions climate change at the forefront of his campaign. Joby’s dedication over the past decade spans from environmental science research to enhancing public land access and investing in climate solutions. This demonstrates a deep understanding of the multifaceted climate crisis and a commitment to leveraging Silicon Valley innovation in policymaking.

The need for young, forward-thinking leaders like Joby is critical, as they prioritize long-term impacts over short-term gains. As an avid backpacker witnessing climate change’s direct effects on our natural landscapes, for me this issue is deeply personal. Our future demands bold action, and Joby Bernstein offers the visionary leadership necessary to guide us toward a sustainable path.

Michael Sauvage
Palo Alto