Letters: Lee for Senate | Science background | Divisive rhetoric

Letters: Lee for Senate | Science background | Divisive rhetoric

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Lee will represent
the underrepresented

I would like to provide a perspective from a California citizen concerning the upcoming election for U.S. Senate. I believe that Barbara Lee is the best candidate running for the position due to her extensive experience in Congress and her diverse background.

As a woman of color who has experienced hardships ranging from having an abortion in a dark alley to being raised in a segregated town, she is equipped with the skills and knowledge to advocate for California and our diverse communities in it — being a double minority herself. She has advocated for low-income, BIPOC communities for decades now, and I am confident that her influence will benefit the California population as a U.S. senator.

Anaya Sayal
San Ramon

Burnham brings science
background to Zone 7

Alan Burnham will undoubtedly do a great job on the Zone 7 Board. He combines strong technical skills with a proven commitment to public service. Alan is an excellent candidate who will make sure that Zone 7 decisions are the best for those in its service district. He warrants our vote.

Alan is an accomplished scientist who also understands systems engineering concepts, which are an important part of Zone 7 decision-making and operations. He digs into the issues behind staff reports to make sure their implications on important decisions are well-founded. During his professional career, he has often recognized solutions missed by others.

Alan has consistently contributed to his community. He founded Quest Science Center and provides low-cost space for the Tri-Valley Haven Food Pantry and the CommonPoint Nonprofit Center. He helped shape Livermore’s downtown redevelopment and was selected to Livermore’s General Plan Advisory Committee.

Bob Woerner

Political rhetoric should
unite us, not divide

I’m very alarmed by the highly charged political rhetoric that pits us against one another. I see most of this anger-driven hatred coming from the far right today. Everyone who serves in a public role has a duty to unite us, to serve the common good, not divide us.

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Today’s intense, fear-driven atmosphere is preventing us from seeking common ground and trusting in each other’s basic decency.

This is unhealthy. We need each other in more ways than we can imagine. We are connected to the whole world. We enrich one another in so many different ways. This is why we have to be on guard against leaders who urge us to fear others based on race, gender, religion, political affiliation or nationality.

We, the people need to come out in a huge show of solidarity and unity to declare our love for our country, for democracy and inclusion.

Gregory Fite