Letters: No equal justice | Dismantling democracy | Regulatory power | Biden must listen | Unity ticket | President’s record

Letters: No equal justice | Dismantling democracy | Regulatory power | Biden must listen | Unity ticket | President’s record

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Ruling puts the lie
to equal justice

Re: “Sizable immunity awarded to Trump” (Page A1, July 2).

“Equal justice under the law” is inscribed above the entrance to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Realistically this has never been true. However, it is an ideal that most believed the nation aspired to achieve. The decision to grant immunity to the former president for actions taken to undermine democracy dispels that belief.

Barry Gardin

High court further
dismantles democracy

Re: “Sizable immunity awarded to Trump” (Page A1, July 2).

Thanks to Donald Trump and the Republicans we no longer have a Supreme Court. Six of the judges have broken their oath to protect the U.S. Constitution by literally re-writing section 3 of the 14th Amendment specifically for Trump. They’ve also given away voting rights and environmental protections. This is a heavily biased MAGA court now. This is not the America our brave soldiers fought and died for.

And so, the dismantling of America continues. As Americans, we used to brag about our peaceful transfer of power and the fact that no one is above the law. Thanks to Trump and the Republicans we can no longer say those things as the slow destruction of America’s democracy is underway and will be completed with the election of the authoritarian Trump and the right-wing deep state. This is not opinion. Read the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. It’s all planned out there.

Frank Grygus
San Ramon

Eviscerating agencies’
power is dangerous

Re: “Landmark ruling could curb California protections” (Page A1, June 29).

The Supreme Court has just signed the death sentence of thousands of Americans if not more with their decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimundo. To quote Chief Justice Roberts, “Agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities.” That is precisely the mindset behind the Trump administration’s handling of COVID pandemic. We saw firsthand how the delays and hampering of the Centers for Disease Control’s COVID recommendations resulted in the deaths of over a million citizens.

The premise that our government agencies are not experts in their specific arenas blatantly disregards their very mission. Less government has always been a cornerstone of the Republican Party, but this takes it over the top.

Regulatory agencies exist to keep the population safe and healthy. Striking at the foundation of government agency enterprise is a chilling and extremely dangerous decision.

Elizabeth Smith

Aging Biden must listen
to calls to step aside

Re: “Biden makes appeals to donors as concerns persist over debate” (Page A4, June 30).

President Biden succeeded in accomplishing good policies for our future, recovering from Donald Trump’s chaotic disaster.

But, presidents don’t get to create and administrate good policies unless they can communicate them well to the public, and debunk the opponent’s “policies” and character. Biden failed to do that during the “debate.” Republicans will play and replay the debate’s many cringe-worthy moments endlessly.

A wise man knows how to see himself. Wise people understand that aging is inevitable and final. Wisdom knows when to step aside, victorious, rather than remain in a final competition that will crush one’s reputation into ignominy.

Democratic accomplishments need another standard-bearer who can represent, with vigor, the values and vision our country needs to continue. The threat of losing this election requires putting the good of the country above personal ambition.

Some kindly suggestions to Joe Biden are necessary. The question is: To whom will he listen?

Bruce Joffe

Now is the time
for a unity ticket

The single most important objective in the November election is to keep Donald Trump out of office and thereby save democracy. Everything else is secondary.

Therefore, Democrats should consider something formerly unthinkable: running a national unity ticket pairing a Democratic presidential candidate and a non-MAGA Republican vice-presidential candidate to give Trump-hating Republicans a way to cast votes against him. These candidates would pledge that so long as either is in office, they will seek to establish, and never to exceed, a 5-4 ideological split on the Supreme Court. The country is too divided for anything else. The Republican must also pledge not to seek further erosion of women’s rights on the national level. What the individual states do is up to them.

How about a ticket of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley or Adam Kinzinger?

Jay Chafetz
Walnut Creek

Biden’s record speaks
louder than debate

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The debate was one moment in time. It’s true that Joe Biden had a bad night and Donald Trump had an exceptional round of lying. He used his usual MO of tossing out lies, false arguments and unfounded statements rapidly. Imagine “debating” someone who has no concern for the truth. Trump focused on making Biden look bad while pumping up his own image with a fantasy narrative about himself. He never plays by the rules. He’s a performer who surrounds himself with yes-men who tell him what he wants to hear.

Only one candidate has used his years gaining wisdom and experience in serving the people. Joe Biden is a compassionate man of integrity who knows how to get things done and cares about democracy. He surrounds himself with capable people and advisers. Stop looking at Biden’s age and look at his record.

Toni Shellen