Letters: Free speech | Founders’ intent | Consider consequences | Behave as kings | Biden’s welfare

Letters: Free speech | Founders’ intent | Consider consequences | Behave as kings | Biden’s welfare

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Free speech extends
to all sides of issues

I fervently believe in the right to free speech; however, I have a major problem with how many protests are held in the name of free speech today. It seems ludicrous that protesters hold their protest rallies in the name of free speech while at the same time, in most cases, they are impinging on the right to free speech of others.

For example: At the 2024, 54th Annual Pride Parade held in New York City, anti-Israeli protesters disrupted the parade by blocking the route and vandalizing and destroying floats.

At UCLA in Los Angeles, anti-Israeli protestors had set up an encampment from which they were protesting the Israeli actions in Gaza. Several hundred pro-Israeli supporters tried to bring down the encampment and shut down the anti-Israeli protester’s message.

Free speech is supposed to be for everyone. There are always two sides to an issue. You might not agree with the other person’s beliefs, but both sides must be allowed to express their views without interference.

Robert Mayne
Walnut Creek

Immunity ruling flies in
face of Founders’ intent

Re: “Sizeable immunity awarded to Trump” (Page A1, July 2).

“A republic if you can keep it,” said Ben Franklin. July 1, 2024, is the date it was lost.

Under the outrageous decision by six Supreme Court members, the president of the United States is authorized to act like a king, immune from criminal law, free to commit any crime he perceives will advance his agenda, his party, friends and cronies, his personal power, wealth or thirst for revenge, without fear of criminal prosecution. Remember these names: Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, the radical six who’ve thrown the rule of law in America on the trash heap of history, setting the stage for tyranny that will come.

July 1 will go down in history as the tragic end of America as a country created by rebellion against the idea of government by kings. Read their fatuous decision and weep for your country.

Jamie Harris

Presidents can now
behave as kings

Re: “Sizeable immunity awarded to Trump” (Page A1, July 2).

July 1, 2024 … the day democracy ended in the United States. The high court ruled presidents can do whatever they want under the shield of “official acts” without legal consequences. Immunity is assumed.

The high court acted on Donald Trump’s behalf by delaying the immunity ruling as long as they could to let Trump avoid the pre-election trials that grand juries deemed necessary. They gave him the ability to act as the dictator he wants to be without ramifications. Trump said, “If you come after me, I’m coming after you.” Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the dissenting justices, Merrick Garland, Rachel Maddow and countless others including letter writers like myself are no longer safe.

Have tough discussions. Vote. God help us.

Barry Brynjulson

Where is the concern
for Biden’s welfare?

Re: “Jill Biden delivers the message that they’re still all in” (Page A4, June 30).

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If Jill Biden truly cared about the welfare of her husband, President Joe Biden, and the destiny of the United States, she should encourage him to retire rather than rally support for his staying in the race.

President Biden, most likely, will be unable to complete another four-year term because of his noticeable declining health issues.

Donald Trump feels reassured that he will handily win the 2024 election, especially after Biden’s disappointing debate performance. However, if the Democratic Party selects a dynamic, younger and capable candidate, Trump could face a real challenge on Election Day.

Margery Bernstein
Walnut Creek