Letters: Newsom caves | Pleasanton schools | Homeless vets | Afghanistan blame | Inaccurate portrait | Harris unfit

Letters: Newsom caves | Pleasanton schools | Homeless vets | Afghanistan blame | Inaccurate portrait | Harris unfit

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As usual, Newsom
caves to Google

Re: “Governor bows to Google, kills news payments” (Page A6, Aug. 30).

Typical Gavin Newsom: Be for the little guy in public and for the big guys in private.

So now Google (a $300 billion a year company) not only does not have to pay news organizations for using their content but Newsom is using taxpayer money to subsidize those same news organizations. He is the perfect example of why I stopped being a Democrat.

By the way, in Canada, the government makes Google pay for using Canadian domestic content.

Mike Poe
San Leandro

Vote for Flynn for
Pleasanton school board

Jen Flynn’s connection to our community as a Pleasanton resident, dedicated mom and former PTA president uniquely positions her to understand and address the needs of our schools. Her experience as a member of the superintendent’s Budget Advisory Committee further underscores her commitment to effective governance.

Over the years Jen has dedicated her time and talent to PUSD — leading events that secured precious funding for critical programs or caring for students who needed a little extra encouragement on their way into school.

Jen is committed to fostering communication between schools, families and teachers — a goal that ensures every voice is heard and valued. Her focus on teacher retention highlights her understanding of the role educators play in our children’s success.

All of this and more makes her the ideal candidate to help guide our school district toward a brighter future.

Amelia Shannon

Homeless vets aren’t
lacking for resources

Re: “Supreme Court ruling could make homeless vets criminals” (Page A1, Sept. 1).

This is a very manipulative and misleading article designed to paint a negative picture of the encampment sweeps.

As a caseworker for a homeless nonprofit, I’ve worked with many homeless vets to replace their DD-214s and it’s a simple process with at least 10 organizations in the Bay Area and many online platforms that can assist for no charge.

I have no doubt Erin Spencer has access to this support, especially as a vet, and if honorably discharged then he will qualify for the many housing opportunities made available just for vets.

I believe his 10 years on the streets have nothing to do with a lack of attention and resources, and these sweeps are necessary for folks like Spencer, who need exactly this kind of structure.

So please stop with these false narratives about the homeless. They serve no one except the advocates.

Diana Bik Boeck

Trump’s fingerprints are
on Afghanistan debacle

Re: “Trump tries to tie Harris to the Afghanistan withdrawal” (Page A3, Aug. 27).

Donald Trump is trying to blame Kamala Harris for the chaotic Afghan exit while ignoring his own culpability.

There’s no reason to think the Afghans wouldn’t have rushed the airfield or that ISIS wouldn’t have sent a suicide bomber if Trump had still been president. Americans who didn’t leave stayed of their own volition. The Taliban was actually helping Americans leave; they wanted them out too. The military equipment left behind was the equipment we gave to the Afghan army who deserted their posts after the collapse of the Afghan government — thank you, Trump.

The real failure was the disastrous deal Trump made with the Taliban, who didn’t keep their end of the agreement.

Trump’s withdrawal agreement with the Taliban excluded the Afghan government and freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists to thrive in the country.

Frank Grygus
San Ramon

Media doesn’t paint
accurate Harris portrait

Re: “Trump aims for ‘manoverse’ vote” and “Takeways from Harris’ interview” (Page A4, Aug. 31).

New York Times reporter Reid Epstein pans Kamala Harris’ interview responses as “risk averse,” “discursive” or rambling.

For example, he criticizes Harris for not taking the bait on the “Day 1” question, presumably preferring that she would brag about “Day 1” executive orders like Donald Trump would. Instead of “dodging” such a symbolic and silly question, she provided a clear statement of her values and priorities. Asked about her feelings when Biden called, instead of “rambling” or “avoiding” she replied, “To be honest” she thought about him first. Epstein is apparently unable to credit that a person of integrity could truly feel concern and empathy for the president before focusing on herself.

Objectively compare Trump’s rambling, deceitful and exaggerated interview responses with Harris and you will clearly see in Harris a thoughtful, values-driven leader who actually puts service to others first. Why does the New York Times consistently try to blur that image?

Jamie Harris

Harris’ economic plans
show that she’s unfit

Several letters have questioned Donald Trump’s fitness for office. But what of Kamala Harris’s fitness?

Her economic proposals are a disaster waiting to happen. They include:

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• Raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%: This 33% tax hike would make American businesses less competitive globally.

• Raising the capital gains tax rate to match the personal rate: This move would nearly double the capital gains tax rate, creating a huge disincentive to invest in America.

• Ending the step-up in basis for estates: Harris wants to increase the death tax.

• Taxing unrealized capital gains: Harris wants to tax gains in property and investments before they are realized.

Harris has a lack of understanding of basic economics. She’s not fit to serve.

Brian Kennedy