Letters: Oakland unity | Dems’ hypocrisy | Defending democracy | U.S. standing

Letters: Oakland unity | Dems’ hypocrisy | Defending democracy | U.S. standing

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Menorah replacement
reflects Oakland unity

Re: “Supporters replace menorah destroyed by vandals” (Page B2, Dec. 15).

Thank you for publishing the story on the menorah replacement in Oakland. The gathering unified Oaklanders around love and tolerance and against all forms of hate including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism.

I am proud of Oakland’s City Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and the restoration of critical infrastructure, as well as respect for international law.

Eleanor Levine

Biden subpoena brings
out Dems’ hypocrisy

Re: “Hunter Biden defies subpoena brought by GOP representatives” (Page A4, Dec. 14).

Hunter Biden does not want to undergo a congressional deposition for obvious reasons. His offer to undergo a public congressional committee examination is just an attempt to limit his responses, given that each questioner has only five minutes.

So, Hunter has chosen to defy a congressional subpoena. Ironically, Democrat representatives support his decision. It wasn’t that long ago, however, that Democrats were all in favor of putting people in jail for defying congressional subpoenas.

Regardless of what Republicans have done or are doing, Democrats should take the high road and agree that people should honor subpoenas.

Rep. Eric Swalwell’s presence at Hunter’s public defiance of the subpoena was especially disturbing. A former district attorney opposing the rule of law — there are no kind words for that conduct. He has allowed politics to dictate his conscience.

Douglas Abbott
Union City

Biden has not
defended democracy

Re: “Founders designed checks on president” (Page A6, Dec. 13).

The writer correctly points out that our Constitution was designed to limit the powers of a president, by making that person subject to limitations imposed by Congress and courts. However, the writer continues by contending that Donald Trump would bypass those safeguards while Joe Biden would protect constitutional democracy. But actually, Biden has proven himself to be a great fan of bypassing Congress, and hardly a strong guardian of a process designed to get rid of kings.

Within hours of his inauguration, President Biden’s first official acts were unilateral in nature, in which he signed 17 executive orders. His most stunning executive order was the one in which he spent $400 billion to cover student debts — all without consulting Congress.

Daniel Mauthe

Waffling on Ukraine
damages U.S. standing

Re: “GOP thwarts Ukraine’s aid request” (Page A1, Dec. 13).

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I am saddened and enraged that the Republican Party is willing to play politics at the expense of the people of Ukraine. Wasn’t the GOP the party always ready to fight aggressors and terrorist countries?

Imagine if Winston Churchill had followed the logic of House Speaker Mike Johnson and demanded a “clear path to victory” before committing fully to stop Hitler. When is it acceptable to allow aggression against free countries, especially ones that are our friends? There is a tipping point where nations start changing their alignments when their ally is no longer willing to stand up for them and for what is fair and just.

If the United States lets Ukraine be overrun it’s a sign of weakness that will lead to further loss of world influence and economic opportunity. And our other “friends” in Europe, Taiwan and the entire South Pacific will face more emboldened aggression.

Donald Waters
Pleasant Hill