Sunnyvale teen wins YoungArts award

Sunnyvale teen wins YoungArts award

YoungArts award winner

Sunnyvale resident David Lin, a student at Homestead High School, has received a 2024 YoungArts award in classical music, joining nearly 700 of the most accomplished young visual, literary and performing artists from across the country.

YoungArts award winners are selected through a competitive application, which is reviewed by panels of discipline-specific artists. All YoungArts award winners have demonstrated exceptional technique, a strong sense of artistry and a commitment to developing their crafts. This year, winners were selected from more than 9,000 applications across 10 artistic disciplines: classical music, dance, design, film, jazz, photography, theater, visual arts, voice and writing. Each award winner will receive a monetary award of $250.

For the duration of his career, Lin is eligible for exclusive creative and professional development support; microgrants and financial awards; presentation opportunities in collaboration with major venues and cultural partners nationwide; and access to YoungArts Post, a free, private online platform for YoungArts artists to connect, collaborate and discover new opportunities. Award winners also have the opportunity to participate in YoungArts Labs, all-expenses paid learning intensives with professional artists working in New York and Los Angeles.

The YoungArts competition is open to artists 15-18 years old or in grades 10-12. For more information, visit

Draft Game Plan feedback

The city of Sunnyvale wants residents’ feedback on its five-year Draft Game Plan 2028. The plan is designed to keep Sunnyvale on track to reduce emissions.

Visit to read the draft, review the workshop presentation and provide feedback through the city’s survey. The survey is available in English and Spanish until Dec. 31. For more information, email [email protected] or call 408-730-7717.