Letters: Pressure leaders | Nurses compensation | Repeating mistakes

Letters: Pressure leaders | Nurses compensation | Repeating mistakes

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Pressure state leaders
to solve homelessness

Re: “Homeless programs fund use questioned” (Page A1, April 10).

In just five years, $24 billion has been wasted.

It’s apparent that California has a major homeless crisis. Anyone residing in this state, specifically cities like San Jose and San Diego, is aware that this issue is not getting any better. It has gotten to a point where parks in downtown San Jose have been abandoned due to the increased homeless population. This is a result of minimal effort being put into finding a solution to help with housing prices and lack of resources available.

Imagine if California wasn’t so carelessly spending money on programs that have not made a significant impact in the last five years. It’s up to California residents to apply pressure to our state officials to have this issue taken more seriously.

Vanessa Arellano
San Jose

County must pay
nurses fairly for work

I am infuriated to see once more that nurses across Santa Clara County may go on strike barely weeks after the previous walkout.

Nurses, who are the backbone of our hospitals, are being paid significantly little compared to the work that they do. The nurses are asking for a simple 15% increase in salary compounded over three years, the county is retaliating with a measly 10.5%. Last week, negotiations broke down in just 17 minutes, and now the strike is once again on the table, putting the already at-capacity hospitals at even greater risk.

I believe that it is imperative to address the concerns of the nurses and settle for an acceptable salary increase proportional to the work they do. Only then will the nurses who give up so much of their life saving others feel appreciated for the work they put in.

Aadit Risbud
San Jose

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GOP bent on repeating
mistakes of WWII

Vladimir Putin is the Hitler of our time. Mike Johnson and our Republican Congress are the equivalent of Neville Chamberlain and Western Europe allowing Hitler to take chunks of Eastern Europe in the 1930s — ultimately leading to World War II.

Supporting Ukraine against Russia is essential to the future of democracy for everyone. The United States must not allow Putin to win. Learn from history. Fund Ukraine now.

Kris Sowolla
Los Gatos