Letters: Leniency for protesters | Close-by name | Bigger problems | Policy failure | Blaming Biden

Letters: Leniency for protesters | Close-by name | Bigger problems | Policy failure | Blaming Biden

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Protesters deserve
leniency for just cause

Re: “Tactics by protesters drive penalty debate” (Page A1, April 19).

I am appalled, horrified and nauseated by the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and the ongoing genocidal aftermath and want to register my recognition of the nonviolent peace action on April 15 on the Golden Gate Bridge. I am heartbroken every day that this war continues, and it is damaging to all of us to live knowing that so many have died before our eyes.

I implore San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins to consider the enormity of the circumstances as she responds to this peaceful plea for humanity and to remember Gandhi and Dr. King and how much they continue to teach us about the power of nonviolence and love.

Jane Perry

Why crib San Francisco
with Berkeley close by?

Re: “SFO files lawsuit to stop name-change proposal in Oakland” (Page A1, April 19).

With regards to the Oakland Airport name change: Why are they even bothering to attach San Francisco to it? If anything, they should attach the city of Berkeley. It is a prestigious place, due to the university, and, therefore, renowned. I would think that would pinpoint the location that travelers are seeking.

Hopefully, with that improvement, people heading to Oakland won’t end up in Auckland.

Jody Snyder

Cities have bigger
problems than name

Re: “SFO files lawsuit to stop name-change proposal in Oakland” (Page A1, April 19).

I was dismayed to read that San Francisco is filing a lawsuit against Oakland in what may become a battle over the name change of Oakland Airport.

What a waste of money and time. Lawyers will reap the rewards and the people who are involved in making new signs, etc., for the airport will benefit. At the end of the day, everyone will still call Oakland Airport, Oakland Airport.

At a time when both cities are battling homeless issues, empty business offices and retail closings, it seems to me that there are more pressing issues that Oakland and San Francisco should spend their resources, time and energy on.

This battle sounds like something one would hear on a playground with children, not from our leaders.

Mally Netter

Newsom change shows
homeless policy failure

Re: “Newsom calls out homeless ‘failures’” (Page A1, April 19).

Gov. Newsom’s plan for the state’s homeless exposes his failed housing policy. His policies increased the supply of high-cost housing — market-rate housing — but demand is for low-income housing. So now we have more people camping on the streets and living in their cars and some high-income housing going into foreclosure.

So now he demands that cities rectify his Wild West housing policy by cleaning up homeless camps with cities providing the needed housing that he ignored for years. Where are the homeless going to go?

I see a lack of compassion for the poor and no understanding of his failed policies. His homeless policy today is too little, too late.

Margot Smith

Blaming Biden is old hat
and empty-headed

Re: “Column takes fanciful view of Mideast milieu” (Page A6, April 19).

Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo blames President Biden for a container ship recently colliding with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge.

Letter-writer Bill McGregor blames Joe Biden for normalizing Iran’s feckless missile attack on Israel.

Every time I fail to win the lottery I shake my fist in the air and say, “Thanks Biden.”

Blame Biden First is the easiest of games to play. There are literally no rules and it requires no work, skill or talent.

Tom McVeigh
Pleasant Hill

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