Letters: Christmas trash | Electoral college | Colorado ban | Zionism meaning | Good writing | Hostage killings | Florida vs. California

Letters: Christmas trash | Electoral college | Colorado ban | Zionism meaning | Good writing | Hostage killings | Florida vs. California

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Shop local to cut
Christmas trash

Re: “Christmas gifts turbocharge our trash problem. How I cope” (Page A6, Dec. 21).

I too am aghast at the amount of needless packaging that comes along with the merchandise we buy. Over an item bought from Amazon, there can be four layers: the cardboard box, the air pillows, the clear packaging, thick paper, and perhaps even a plastic bag. Why must we fill up our landfills with all these layers?

Humans are the absolute worst animal species in the creation of waste. Here’s one vote for a tax incentive for buying gifts locally, in stores, where packaging is not needed. Remove the sales tax requirement for small, independent local stores, and we will both boost our local economy and keep our landfills emptier.

Jeremiah Trujillo
El Sobrante

Why do we hang on
to Electoral College?

Americans should be ashamed of themselves. Not for voting for Donald Trump. That was a dumb mistake, but you know that. Their real failure has been not demanding that their congressional representatives and senators end the Electoral College. Why are we continuing to suffer this antiquated institution? Twice in our lifetime, it has given us a president who did not win the popular vote.

The daily news is filled with articles and endless discussion about Donald Trump when he should be only a historical footnote. The only reason Trump “won” in 2016 was because of the Electoral College. The only reason we are still endlessly even talking about Trump in the 2024 presidential election is because of the Electoral College. He cannot otherwise win in 2024 because he cannot win the popular vote.

If you still believe in representative democracy, then urge your congressman to vote to end the Electoral College.

Richard Maurer
Castro Valley

Supreme Court must
uphold Colorado ban

Colorado has done a brave thing by calling Donald Trump on his obvious involvement in the insurrection against our government. He does not deserve nor should he be granted an opportunity to create more havoc in the government.

Let’s hope the Republican-controlled Supreme Court can find their integrity and honor and pull up their big-boy pants to uphold the 14th Amendment. It is time for patriots and not politicians.

Helen Oliver

Zionism merely belief
in Jewish homeland

Re: “Keep the focus on the true antisemites” (Page A6, Dec. 20).

Letter-writer Suzi Goldmacher displays utter ignorance when she calls Zionism “a belief that Jews need a state only for Jews.” That is not true today and has never been true. If that were the definition, Zionism would be a failure, because Israel does not fit that definition.

Instead, Zionism is the belief that Jews should have a state in their ancestral homeland, just as France is a homeland for the French.

Israel has citizens of many religions; roughly 80% of its citizens are Jews. All of its citizens have equal legal rights. That has always been the goal and the reality.

Dan Fendel

Kurtenbach’s writing
is worth a read

Re: “One drive shows why Purdy is undeniable league MVP” (Page C1, Dec. 18).

Once I criticized Dieter Kurtenbach, sports columnist, because I disagreed with him.

I now have grown to appreciate his writing. He is a positive addition to the East Bay Times. He is honest, fair and an incredible writer.

I suggest people read his columns even if you are not a sports fan. You will appreciate his writing. It is superb.

Virginia Kamp

Hostage killings could
spark desertions

Re: “Israeli troops accidentally shoot, kill 3 Israeli hostages” (Page A4, Dec. 16).

The accidental shooting of three Israeli hostages by the Israeli army demonstrates, probably better than anything else could, the randomness of the IDF killing machine.

The best outcome from this war, toward a potential two-state solution and genuine peace, would be promoted by mutinies against, and desertions from, the Israeli military, which could well grow from incidents like this.

Steve Koppman

Florida economically
better than California

East Bay Times readers saw the spectacle of the Newsom-DeSantis “debate,” but may not be aware of some more troubling, and easy to verify, financial comparisons.

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California projects a $68 billion budget deficit for next year, but did you know that Florida’s 2023-24 budget shows a $5.3 billion surplus, while including increased education funding and raises for teachers?

And don’t forget Florida has no state income tax, their per-gallon gasoline tax of 35.23 cents sounds better than California’s 77.98 cents, and their average total (state and local) sales tax rate of 7.02% doesn’t hit citizens like California’s 8.82% does.

News of corporations moving out of California isn’t new — our top corporate tax rate of 8.84% just isn’t as attractive as Florida’s 5.5%.

Property taxes are harder to compare, as housing costs are wildly different, but total property tax collections per capita last year were $1,541 in Florida and $1,955 in California.

Mike Heller
Walnut Creek