Letters: Biden presidency

Letters: Biden presidency

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Biden’s administration
is worse than Trump’s

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While I didn’t think much of the man as president, I survived the four-year Donald Trump presidency. I hope to survive the four-year Joe Biden presidency, but of that I am not so sure. I fear that 2024 may be a very dangerous year.

Biden’s foreign policy is very aggressive and very dangerous. During Biden’s first term, the world has never been closer to nuclear annihilation. Israel’s aggressive actions in Gaza, which are tantamount to genocide, are enabled by the Biden administration. The emerging Cold War with China will not have a good outcome for this country. And the COVID pandemic continues, with the CDC proving itself unable to effectively manage it. Under the Biden administration, more people have died from COVID than died under the Trump administration.

For those rooting for Biden in 2024, be very careful what you wish for.

Anthony Stegman
San Jose