Letters: Every vote counts | Bidenomics’ success | Hamas cease-fire | Bad takes

Letters: Every vote counts | Bidenomics’ success | Hamas cease-fire | Bad takes

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Compact guarantees
that every vote counts

Re: “Eliminating Electoral College is a heavy lift” (Page A6, Jan. 9).

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The bill would make every person’s vote equal throughout the United States. It would ensure that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

California and 16 other states have passed the legislation pledging to cast their electoral votes to the winner of the nationwide popular vote contest. These states’ votes combined equal 205 electoral college votes, so if the number can be increased to 270 — well, then, mission accomplished.

Harry Fish

Bidenomics have
been a success

Memories can be fuzzy or selective, but way back in 2020-21, under two different administrations, the pandemic wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy. Unemployment was extremely high. Supply chain issues were worldwide and extreme. The cost to find and retain employees went up as did the cost of goods and services of all kinds. Talk of a deep recession prevailed.

Today, those on Fox News and within the GOP want to malign Bidenomics. However, due to Bidenomics we now have very low unemployment, no wide-scale supply chain issues, a record high stock market and low inflation. Yes, the Fed had to raise interest rates, but in doing so avoided a deep recession, while bringing about the positives cited above.

The exorbitant cost of eggs, gas, lodging and selected other items? Sometimes there’s no more explanation than corporate greed or the laws of supply and demand.

Barry Brynjulson
San Ramon

Cease-fire wouId
let Hamas rearm

I strongly oppose a cease-fire that will allow Hamas to regroup and launch attacks to rape and murder Israeli civilians like on Oct 7th.

Hamas’ manifesto calls for the destruction of the Jewish state. Unfortunately, Palestinian civilians are killed as they are used as human shields by Hamas.

I support Israel’s efforts to crush and eliminate Hamas from the Gaza Strip. To those supporting a cease-fire, you are supporting a group that slaughters children and rapes women. You should be ashamed.

Matthew Chen

Stop listening to bad
takes on economy

Re: “Bay Area consumer price rise modest” (Page A1, Jan. 12).

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At what point is it silly to continue to honor quotes about a bad economy from people who are doing just fine? A recent East Bay Times article quotes someone at a gasoline pump saying how prices on “everything” are “going up.” Huh? Not on gasoline prices they are not. On groceries, they are 2% over the same time last year. That would be 12 cents on a carton of 18 eggs.

A recent Bay Area survey found about 80% of residents complaining about rising prices, while about the same percentage were admitting that they were doing just fine.

At what point do most of us take for granted all the work it takes to get the various products to our supermarkets and other stores, and how, as Americans, our costs for basic goods are at a far lower percentage than for those in most other nations?

George Fulmore