Letters: Moving forward | Teaching to hate | Nice set up | National tragedy | Horror minimized | Waste of time

Letters: Moving forward | Teaching to hate | Nice set up | National tragedy | Horror minimized | Waste of time

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Oakland teach-in has
moved us forward

Re: “Teachers defy the district’s directive” (Page A1, Dec. 7).

I applaud the teachers in Oakland who participated in the Teach-in on Palestine despite threats of dire consequences. Teaching critical thinking skills is so needed in these days of misinformation. So is acknowledging history to give context to today’s human struggles.

Silencing the truth never makes anyone safer, nor does it support democracy. Had we embraced a more holistic awareness of the Middle East years ago perhaps we’d have peace today. Thank you Oakland teachers for helping move us forward.

Elizabeth Fisher
Pleasant Hill

Teach-in is teaching
our kids to hate

Re: “Teachers defy the district’s directive” (Page A1, Dec. 7).

Yesterday a “teach-in” at Oakland Unified School District used a coloring book “suggested for transitional kindergarten to third grade.” When did we as a society move from college teach-ins to little children teach-ins? Why did we as a culture decide children’s innocence is expendable for the sake of a cause?

Is it because we know children feel everything so deeply? Or because they believe everything we tell them? Aren’t we using children to bolster our own feelings of righteousness when we teach them to demonize the “other”? How will minds not yet able to think abstractly process instruction about “a group of bullies called Zionists”?

They will be terrified, they will hate, they will make war. They will never learn to live in this world of beautiful and excruciating contradictions. We will have failed them.

Kathryn Jordan

Concord sets up
holiday season nicely

Last Friday’s Sip and Stroll in downtown Concord was well done. Participating businesses were welcoming.

My family wants to thank all those businesses for starting the holiday season with such a sharing spirit.

Jill Sullivan

Trump reelection would
be tragic for nation

Be careful what you wish for: Another four years of Donald Trump is just unthinkable. When he makes a statement that he will be a dictator for a day, are you kidding?

This is a man who refused to say he lost the 2020 election and ensured that there was no peaceful transfer of power. Instead, we watched in horror on Jan. 6.

He will be a dictator for not only one day but for as long as we allow him to remain in office.

Please forget what political affiliation you belong to and vote to keep our democracy strong. Remember how many fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect the United States of America.

Maryann Sheridan
Walnut Creek

Headlines minimize
horror of Gaza assault

The East Bay Times, like many other newspapers, distorts the reality of the current war in Gaza, Palestine and Israel by using tepid, misleading headlines such as “Israel’s war with Hamas” or “Air assault continues.” More accurate headlines would say “Israeli war on Palestinians” or “Israel’s mass murder and terror continue.”

The headlines minimize the true scope and horror of Israel’s genocidal actions. I say this as a proud Jewish American who was taught that being Jewish meant we as a historically oppressed people would always align with other oppressed people, not use our plight to justify oppressing others. Our country is actively abetting this mass murder with our tax dollars. Speak up now.

David Weintraub

Juvenile GOP debate
is a waste of time

Re: “A narrowing Republican presidential candidate field makes their cases known at latest debate” (Page A4, Dec. 7).

Years ago I was invited to be a judge at a San Ramon Valley School District debate tournament for young teenagers.

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The students had apparently been carefully taught the rules of debate. I still remember the positive glow I felt after observing how well young people could present well-researched arguments using firm but careful wording.

Contrast that with what I feel after watching only part of the current “debates” between possible presidential candidates. “Sick” and “upset” would be appropriate descriptions of my mood.

These candidates should be using their energies to present the best possible solutions to improve the state of our world instead of tearing their opponents apart like uneducated, unruly children. A quick internet search of “rules for debate” will tell them everything they need to know about how to conduct themselves. If they can’t, or won’t, do that, then they are simply wasting my time.

Teri Shikany