Letters: GOP waste | Leaving room | Maintain empathy | Vote Biden

Letters: GOP waste | Leaving room | Maintain empathy | Vote Biden

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Biden inquiry will
waste time, money

Re: “Formal inquiry ordered for Biden” (Page A1, Dec. 14).

Well, I see that the GOP is at it again. First, it was the Benghazi fiasco which wasted millions and more than a year, all spent for nothing. And now it will be more millions and many hours spent just to try and impeach the president because the Democrats did it to Donald Trump.

But then the Democrats had evidence that Trump had broken the law and deserved it. The GOP has no evidence that the president did anything wrong. So they will waste money and time again, and the people of this great country will put them back into office. For what?

You would think that we would get some smarts and send them packing — the sooner the better. But alas, that will never happen because too many people still believe Trump and his lies. It’s so sad.

Robert Klingenberg

Slogans leave room
for peaceful solution

Re: “Left is dooming any hopes for a Palestinian state” (Page A6, Dec. 7).

What does “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” mean? There’s a lot of confusion about this, as in the commentary by Bret Stephens. They may mean different things to different people united in opposing continuing injustice, military occupation and the war in Gaza. However, I reject the most pessimistic conclusion that they must mean the eradication of Jewish citizens of Israel.

For most, these slogans mean a two-state solution that is negotiated (not imposed upon Palestinians) and a renunciation of second-class status of Palestinians living within Israel’s 1948 borders. They do mean the end of military courts, indefinite administrative detention, and torture of Palestinian prisoners.

For some, they might mean a democratic single state, since the ever-expanding West Bank Jewish settlements make a two-state solution more difficult. An unlikely outcome, perhaps, but certainly not a proposal to expel Jews from historic Palestine.

Stephanie Ericson

Maintain empathy
in face of destruction

A friend expressed zero sympathy for the Palestinian people under attack by the IDF, stating that Hamas indoctrinates the Palestinians to hate Jewish people and that Palestinians knew and allowed Hamas to build their tunnels under hospitals, schools and housing.

News is that Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters were aware of the planned attacks a year before they happened. Today it was reported that he encouraged Qatar to send millions of dollars to Gaza to prop up the Hamas government. I suspect that the Israeli government hoped an attack by Hamas would provide them with the opportunity to take Gaza by force.

We are not accountable for the decisions of our leaders, but collectively there is responsibility. The Palestinians and Jewish people have faced discrimination, oppression, persecution, violence and poor leadership. Hate is getting us nowhere, but as individuals, we are obliged to maintain some empathy for the humanity of others.

Diana Stephens

Tune out third-party
noise; vote Biden

Re: “Biden goes into 2024 with strong economy” (Page A4, Dec 12).

Did you know that refrigerators are living documents?

Magnets are used to display the ever-changing milestones of our lives. Important events are immortalized by refrigerator photo albums. As magnets proliferate, we add coupons, grocery lists and politicians.

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You post their images to manifest their future victory, featuring the mottoes “Hope” or “I’m With Her.”

Mine supported Bernie Sanders for president. I felt sad when he lost the primary to Joe Biden in 2020, but after the 2016 election debacle, I knew Biden would be 100 times better than the alternative and supported him completely.

Biden’s economic leadership has lowered unemployment, cooled inflation and added almost 200,000 jobs in November.

Like a modern-day Roosevelt, he has passed countless progressive laws. Without regard for his age, Roosevelt was elected four times.

Democrats and independents should ignore third-party rhetoric and manifest another victory for Joe Biden in November.

And please keep those refrigerator magnets organized.

Andrew Wise